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Writer's pictureGordon Education


I will  take a moment and give much respect and appreciation to the post-production process.   We are currently in the midst of editing the first episode.  It’s going well, though it does take some time as there are many departments.  Well, five departments to be exact. We have a department for editing, music composition, sound effects/foley, animation and color correction.   And, each department heavily relies on the other ones.   Since this is our first time going through the process, I’m taking a little more time with every step.  It’s all coming together.

After speaking with HoustonPBS, we are aiming to air the episode in early 2015.   Though, of course, we will need the final approval from the airing station it before it debuts.

As I’m back in NYC, I’ve been taking classes at CUNY, and I’ve also had an opportunity to meet with professionals in children’s television media.   I’ve been meeting with those who write, direct and produce, but I’ve also been met with someone who does research on how American kids TV shows have been adapted for other countries around the world with respect to their own set of customs and cultural practices.  It’s quite interesting as kids TV is definitely not a one-size fits all for other countries.   For example, Sesame Square is the Nigerian version of Sesame street and the show takes into account the set of challenges that a Nigerian child may encounter that may not be directly applicable to an American child.

Anyway, what the take-away is from all of this is that I’m always learning.  🙂

Going back into my post-production mode now.  I’ll emerge soon!  I promise.  Til then, be well.


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